Turn your Bicycle into a Snowbike
Wouldn´t you love to explore the great winter landscape on your bicycle? With the S-Trax Snowbike Conversion Kit, you can transform your existing bicycle into a Snowbike. Simply remove both wheels and attach the front ski part as well as the crawler part at the rear. Whether you´re seeking adventure or just some snowy fun, this kit equips you perfectly to explore the winter wonderland. The S-Trax provides a comfortable ride in the snow and a great riding pleasure.
- Easy mounting on lots of bicycle frames (except carbon frames)
- Usable with ebikes
- Sport and fun
This conversion kit can be mounted on electrified bicycles (ebike) with mid drive motor - but it´s not allowed to mount it on bicycles with carbon frames. The frond ski part is suitable for bikes with front fork width of 100-150 mm, the rear crawlerpart can be mounted on frames width of 130-200 mm. It´s compatible with both quick-release and thru-axles. If you´re uncertain about the compatibility of your bicycle, feel free to contact us.
The crawlerpart comes equipped with an Enviolo internal hub gear (gear ratio 0,5-1,9), which can be shifted even under load. The choice of chainring size allows for speeds ranging from 7 km/h to 15-20 km/h. The size of the front bicycle chainring can further influence the speed. Thanks to the brake disc attached to the drive sprocket of the track module, you can bring the track to a complete stop by engaging the brake. Please note that this brake is mechanical, not hydraulic.
Included Parts:
- Ski part with ski (length 110 cm)
- Crawler part
- Enviolo Extreme internal hub gear
- Brake disc with caliper, bowden cable and brake lever
- Optional: Mid-drive motor kit (not included in the price)
For shipping reasons, this conversion kit must be assembled after delivery according to the assembly manual provided by email after delivery. To use it on a standard E-Bike, please ensure that the required speed signal is captured by the track (since the rear wheel is removed during this conversion).
Additionally, you should adjust the "tire circumference" on the display to the actual value (appr. 65 cm on the guide roller, depending on where the speedsensor is mounted) so that both the displayed speed and distance covered are accurate. If this isn´t possible, it will still work, but the motor will limit the speed much earlier (due to the incorrect wheel circumference).
When using a conversion kit motor (bafang, cyc) the correct tire circumference can be used. This will ensure that both the displayed speed and the distance covered are accurate. Extension cables for the speedsensor can also be used.
Currently, the system is designed for use with hardtail bicycles. If you want to mount the conversion kit on a full-suspension e-bike, an additional chain tensioner for the bicycle chain is required (not included in the package). Please also note that during the conversion, both the gears and brakes of the bicycle must be removed.
YouTube Playlist with lots of Snowbike-Videos.
Products designed and made in Austria.
Product Safety Information:
Manufacturer and EU-Responsible Person:
Mesona Handels GmbH
Langgasse 22
6460 Imst, Austria
Our guests have fun
I have a small hotel in a snowy area and offer it to my guests to try. I was surprised at how many people want to use our snowcycle every day. I´m thinking about whether we should get another one of these. However, you have to know that you need some motor power, it´s not so much fun with a standard ebike. We use a converted bicycle with strong motor.
Winterlicher Fahrspaß
Habe das S-Trax auf meinem E-Bike installiert und möchte meine Erfahrungen mit euch teilen: Wie die anderen auch schreiben - optisch ist es einfach der Hingucker und fällt auf. Die Montage war recht einfach und unkompliziert (wobei schon einiges am Fahrrad demontiert werden muss). Positiv ist auch der super Grip der Raupe im Schnee und die stabile Bauweise des Systems. Der Ski gefällt mir übrigens auch sehr gut (und könnte auch als solcher verwendet werden, denke ich?).
Während meiner Fahrten ist mir allerdings aufgefallen, dass das Bike schon mehr Motorleistung benötigt als erwartet - das entleert den Akku doch recht schnell. Die Leichtgängigkeit sollte dringend verbessert werden. Das Kippverhalten beim Bremsen ist zudem gewöhnungsbedürftig. Man sollte auch wissen, dass die Verwendung des Snowbikes bei klebrigen Schneeverhältnissen nicht zu empfehlen ist, da hierbei der Schnee an den Rollen haften bleibt.
Trotz der noch ausstehenden Verbesserungen bietet das Snowbike-Set meiner Meinung nach eine schöne Möglichkeit für eine unterhaltsame Fahrt bei winterlichen Verhältnissen. Daher 7 Sterne von mir.
Attracts everyone
I have my snowbike in the shop window - positive effect: (almost) everyone stops and most come in. It just attracts everyone. :) Thanks guys.
funny special thing
Bought it manily for fun in our terrain and use it on my normal ebike. There is quite a lot to dismantle on the bicycle ... but the ride is funny.
Eye catcher
This conversion kit is a fantastic idea. I use it on my mountain bike with a 2kW mid-motor and enjoy riding to our private mountain lodge. It works well with appr. 10 cm of fresh snow, but anything more might be a challenge. Also, the snow shouldn't be too sticky, as it tends to stick to the wheels. There's definitely room for improvement here, but overall, I'm quite satisfied with it. Maybe you could take another look at this and release a version 2.0. I'd order 10 right away. :)
Cooles Teil
Die Installation ist zwar etwas Arbeit, aber nicht schwierig. Allerdings lässt sich das mit dem Bremsen noch verbessern - die Raupe kippt meist hoch, was nicht so komfortabel ist. Aber es erfüllt seinen Zweck. Zudem wäre es fein, wenn es noch leichtgängiger wird - der Gummi ist schon ziemlich dick. Ohne Motor möchte ich das Ding nicht bewegen müssen. Aber mit E-Bike gehts. Damit man wirklich bergauf fahren kann, benötigt man aus meiner Sicht schon einen starken Mitelmotor - dafür sind die Serien-Ebikes zu schwach (bzw. man fährt nur sehr langsam). Das bitte noch verbessern. Aber in Summe lässt sich sagen, dass es absolut Hammer aussieht und schon was sehr spezielles ist. Danke Jungs!
Danke für dein Feedback Ludwig - da sind wir dran.